Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 2024

Although I missed the club game day again this month (I will be there in October!), I did make some nice hobby progress and spent only $11. 

I finished the Burrows and Badgers project...until they release more.

I also put together more of the Micro Arts Studio 28mm pre-colored MDF building. They are very nice. I picked up the whole Normandy collection at Historicon. I’ll post a shot of them all when built.

Next up for painting...two boxes of 28mm plastic BEF and WW1 Brits for use in the AVBCW project. 

I may try to host a game with that collection using Combat Patrol rules in November or December.

I have also committed to running a Pulp game for the club in Feb.

26x Burrows and Badgers Figures
Total: 26
YTD: 319

1 x Chain of Command with Quar
YTD: 17

$11 Quar tribe subscription
YTD: $1524 (Sold: $440)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Defending the river line- A Quar in Command battle

After being out maneuvered and out fought in several engagements, the 78th final stopped the Crusader aggression for now along a river tributary. The Coftyran defenders were well emplaced with a dug in position on the hill  in front of their camp. They even had an armored car in support, if they could just get the sleeping crew out of their tents (had to use a Chain of Command dice to mount up).

The Crusaders established their own base of fire, but were being out fought by the Coftyrans in the trenches. They then tried to maneuver on the left flank to infiltrate (it is a probe scenario) the Coftyran lines. 

It was not to be...the defenders established a strong position in the woods covering several avenues of approach. Once the crew got the armored car running and machinegun firing, Crusader casualties mounted.

A last ditch effort to charge through the defending lines was massacred in the open. 

Crusaders: 25 casualties

Coftyrans: 13 casualties

Chain of Command is giving great games. As I build up the forces a little more, plus some supports, things should even out even more. 

Good defensive ground.

Crusaders make a push on the left flank.

Two sections with support will make the attack.

Base of fire is taking casualties.

Defending in good cover.

That is a lot of open ground to cover.

Defenders are not immune.


Second prong of the attack gets into position.

A chance for a final push.

Slaughter in the center.

View from the armored car.

Cover with smoke!

Pulling back into cover.

Bastion position in the woods.

Crusaders caught in crossfire.

A solid Coftyran win. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Burrows and Badgers

 I finished the last 26 of the Burrows and Badgers figures. Fantastic miniatures with such character. 

I've played a few solo games, good fun. A second addition is in the works. A great small scale skirmish game...could be a good gateway for younger players. 

I'll continue to collect any new figures as they are released, with the goal of painting them in the month received to keep the collection up to date.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 2024

A quiet month due to work. I missed the club game and did not get a chance to start any solo games until the last week. 

Finished the second to last batch of Burrows and Badgers figures. September focus will be on the final set, and then the 60 or so figures for AVBCW in October. 

31 x Burrows and Badgers Figures
Total: 31
YTD: 293

YTD: 16

$11!: $11 Quar tribe subscription
YTD: $1513 (Sold: $440)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 and Historicon

A big month with a great club game and a trip to Historicon.

Despite not having a game specifically planned for the monthly club game day, Sam B. brought out Victory at Sea for a test game...that we played through until my Bismarck blew up from a critical hit!

Victory at Sea

Bismarck blows up!

Big batch of Burrows and Badgers figures on the painting table. I think I will finish them all this year. 

Historicon: Fun four days in Lancaster PA. Played in 6 games and spent too much on the whole range of Micro Arts Studios pre-painted MDF Normandy buildings. 

Bag the Hun

Naughty Fox in a Sharpe Practice game

Sharpe Practice

Operation Sea Lion with Combat Patrol rules

A Bridge Too Far

Operational scale Normandy landing with Breakthrough rules

A Very British Civil War

Wars of Ozz

28 x Burrows and Badgers Figures
Total: 28
YTD: 262

1 x Victory at Sea at the Club
1 x Quar Chain of Command
6 x at Historicon
YTD: 16

$798!: $11 Quar tribe subscription, $12 bases, Historicon buys---two boxes of figures, the buildings, and some supplies.
YTD: $1502 (Sold: $440)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Third strike for the Coftyrans

The Crusader Marines won a Pyrrhic victory over the defending Catrawd of the 78th Honorable Exploration Society Of Coftyran (HESOC) led by Caerten Sieffre Glyn.

A great game using modified Chain of Command rules for my Quar. After a few games, the balance is coming together.

Coftyran dice rolling was better this game, but still average. Being the defenders, they kept the Crusaders at a distance longer and caused heavy casualties before they could close the range to maximize their automatic weapons. I made the mistake of deploying the RCO without a nearby section to share the casualties/shock...they were sent routing quickly by a deploying Crusader MG team.

Crusaders made great use of smoke from the Sprogen launchers. I gave each of the three in action a total of six rounds... two each of AP, HE, and smoke. They used up the HE and smoke. I adjusted the HE to firepower 2 instead of 3.
I also adjusted both side's LMGs to be 3 Quar teams firing at 8/6/4 dice as the team is reduced. 

I am also thinking about changing the crusader section to be Junior Leader, 2 instead of 3 Ryshi's , and 7 Bogens to make two even teams. 

May have some other force structure changes as new elements are fielded. 
Looking forward to more Quar!

This is a probe scenario for Chain of Command. Came down to a very close game...Coftyran's had 3 morale points, Crusaders 2 (and heavier casualties) when a Crusader section stormed ahead ordered by their is-Caerten. The close range fire broker the Coftyran section, routing them from the field with a JL and SL. 


-28 Out of Action
-Senior Leader WIA, Junior Leader KIA
-3 Routed

-17 Out of Action
-Junior Leader WIA
-6 Routed

Coftyran's defending a bombed out hamlet.

RCO gun gets shot up early.

Defending section moves to a better position.

Crusader base of fire in a great position with LMG and launcher team.


1st advancing section gets shot up.

Great position in the ruins.

2nd probing section gets caught in the open.

Five rounds, Rapid!

Pressing on.

Defenders deploy in the orchard.

Bloody fire fight.

Very effective smoke.

Two sections vs one...this got deadly.


1st section breaks, is the advance stopped?

2nd LMG team lays down fire.

Section in the orchard breaks, but they made the Crusaders pay.

This platoon is getting torn to shreds.

No joy on this flank.

2nd try to break the left.

Things are getting desperate.

Massacre in the open.

Redeploying to cover the flank...will they get their in time?

No! the section holding the woods breaks...dropping force morale to 0!

Medals of Valor all around!