Sunday, July 7, 2024

Third strike for the Coftyrans

The Crusader Marines won a Pyrrhic victory over the defending Catrawd of the 78th Honorable Exploration Society Of Coftyran (HESOC) led by Caerten Sieffre Glyn.

A great game using modified Chain of Command rules for my Quar. After a few games, the balance is coming together.

Coftyran dice rolling was better this game, but still average. Being the defenders, they kept the Crusaders at a distance longer and caused heavy casualties before they could close the range to maximize their automatic weapons. I made the mistake of deploying the RCO without a nearby section to share the casualties/shock...they were sent routing quickly by a deploying Crusader MG team.

Crusaders made great use of smoke from the Sprogen launchers. I gave each of the three in action a total of six rounds... two each of AP, HE, and smoke. They used up the HE and smoke. I adjusted the HE to firepower 2 instead of 3.
I also adjusted both side's LMGs to be 3 Quar teams firing at 8/6/4 dice as the team is reduced. 

I am also thinking about changing the crusader section to be Junior Leader, 2 instead of 3 Ryshi's , and 7 Bogens to make two even teams. 

May have some other force structure changes as new elements are fielded. 
Looking forward to more Quar!

This is a probe scenario for Chain of Command. Came down to a very close game...Coftyran's had 3 morale points, Crusaders 2 (and heavier casualties) when a Crusader section stormed ahead ordered by their is-Caerten. The close range fire broker the Coftyran section, routing them from the field with a JL and SL. 


-28 Out of Action
-Senior Leader WIA, Junior Leader KIA
-3 Routed

-17 Out of Action
-Junior Leader WIA
-6 Routed

Coftyran's defending a bombed out hamlet.

RCO gun gets shot up early.

Defending section moves to a better position.

Crusader base of fire in a great position with LMG and launcher team.


1st advancing section gets shot up.

Great position in the ruins.

2nd probing section gets caught in the open.

Five rounds, Rapid!

Pressing on.

Defenders deploy in the orchard.

Bloody fire fight.

Very effective smoke.

Two sections vs one...this got deadly.


1st section breaks, is the advance stopped?

2nd LMG team lays down fire.

Section in the orchard breaks, but they made the Crusaders pay.

This platoon is getting torn to shreds.

No joy on this flank.

2nd try to break the left.

Things are getting desperate.

Massacre in the open.

Redeploying to cover the flank...will they get their in time?

No! the section holding the woods breaks...dropping force morale to 0!

Medals of Valor all around!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 2024

Time for a mid-year review.

Spent more than planned this month with HMGS/Historicon registration and stocking up on some pre and basing supplies. Still doing OK for the year...we will see how Historicon spending goes.

Finished the second phase of my Quar sci-fi project. I am waiting for more options to be released so I can kitbash up the third phase in the project to give me large platoons for each side.

Finished another group of Burrows and Badgers figures...after this batch (and the arrival of the kickstarter next month) I will have 85 figures to go. Primed all the ones on hand. 

Club game- Man o' War

Burrows and Badgers

36 x Quar 
21 x Burrows and Badgers
Total: 57 
YTD: 234 

1 x Man O' War 
1 x Quar Chain of Command
YTD: 8 

 $211, $70 historicon registration/HMGS, $11 on more Quar (STL files subscription monthly for future 3D printing), $120 on supplies, $10 rules
YTD: $704 (Sold: $440)


1- Attend Historicon:


2- Spend <$2000:

-----On Target

3- >12 games:

-----On target

4- Work on projects: (focusing on adding to some smaller projects instead of a large figure count)

---a. Quar: start when released:

-----Done...waiting on more to be released

---b. Burrows and Badgers (paint the last kickstarter, and order next!)- 26 figures:

-----Painted three batches----85 to go

---c. Paint two batches of fantasy figures-49:

-----Painted two batches

---d. Paint one batch of sci fi figures- 21:

-----Painted them up

---e. Paint a AVBCW BUF platoon- 30?:

-----To be purchased in July

5-Put together the rest of the Battlesystem card terrain

-----Not started----considering switching to MDF and/or 3D printed

Purchase plans:

1) Quar when released...soon!: done

2) Next Burrows and Badgers kickstarter in Feb.: done

3) BUF platoon, need to decide on figures. look at historicon or order with Quar from Wargames Atlantic if BEF are released.: July

4) Several 28mm plastic Stargrave/Wargames Atlantic boxes (5).--- look at historicon, WA order: July

5) Some paints, brushes, bases.: Purchased

6) Maybe upgrade my trees, rivers, and roads: still in planning.

Project Update: 9 projects

---Last Painted: June, 2024
---Last Gamed: June, 2024

---Last Painted: Dec, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2024

28mm Fantasy:
---Last Painted: Jan, 2024
---Last Gamed: Feb, 2024

Burrows and Badgers:
---Last Painted: June, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2023

---Last Painted: Jan, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jun, 2020

A Very British Civil War:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Mar, 2024

28mm Sci Fi:
---Last Painted: Feb, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2022

Fantasy 15mm:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Jul, 2021

Kingdom of Katzenstein 15mm Imagi-nation:
---Last Painted: Dec, 2018
---Last Gamed: Dec, 2011

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chain of Command with Quar test game

I played a test game of Chain of Command with my Quar sci-fi figures.

Made a few rules mistakes...especially letting troops fire through friendlies in their squad.

The Coftyrans suffered a bloody defeat despite getting set in a great position with a squad and support gun. The Crusaders deployed within <18" and their massed firepower hit hard. 

Coftyran dice rolling did not help...even when getting some hits, rolled 1s for the result. 

I had the Crusader Bogens firing 3 firepower at <18"...and the Ryshi's doing 2 (and ignoring light cover). That generated 27 dice vs return fire of 14. Ouch!

I may reduce the range for the Bogen's to 12".

Chance encounter in no-Quar-land

Coftyran's have a great position on the hill and strike first.

Bringing in a second squad.

Scout team on the flank.

Casualties mounted quickly...and morale dropped with 2 leaders hit.

Some shock in return, but no kills/

Looking ugly.

Only half the troops on the board when the Coftyran's pulled back. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

May 2024

Great game of What a Tanker at the club with only six of us.

Finished up a batch of Burrows and Badgers figures while I waited for the next wave of Quar to arrive...and have now started on them.

Registered for Historicon in July. Packing in lots of games!

Had to start a second storage container for this collection

Quar game-----

Quar game with Combat Patrol rules

Phase 2 of the Quar project

M10 gets the drop in What A Tanker!

Sam B destroyed my M5 with a Stug

What a Tanker!


19 x Burrows and Badgers figures

Total: 19

YTD: 177


1 x What a Tanker at the club

1 x Combat Patrol with the Quar

YTD: 6


$11 on more Quar (STL files subscription monthly for future 3D printing)

YTD: $493

(Sold: $440) -$43 for the year

Sunday, May 26, 2024

This Quar's War- Poor Milwer Madoc

Toulmore marines seized many of the small colonies on the southern continent, sending a wave of refugees into

Y Waldfa, the Gwent founded Coftyran Crown Colony. The war has destabilized the precarious colonial situation.

The rise of a religious rebellion by the indigenous Coch Golau Quar adds to the mayhem.

Commonly called “The Pincs” due to their peculiar skin hue from eating mass quantities of the local shrimp,

the locals are restless. With all nations focused on the war at home, it falls to a mixed bag of ad hoc formations

to wage a low level campaign to control the distant colonies.

The Coftyran 44th Provisional Fusilier Brigade Field Force is responsible for the defense of Y Waldfa.

Caerten Sieffre Glyn has led a Catrawd of the 78th Honorable Exploration Society Of Coftyran (HESOC)

out of Porth Madryn and across the Dol Afron into no-Quar-land.

Keeping a small force under his direct command to guard the crossing, he has sent two understrength sections

to investigate reports of a Crusader supply cache.

Reports of Coftyran forces south of the river has brought a response from a weak Catrawd

of the 50th Toulmore Special Marine Expeditionary Force.

My first game with the new Quar figures using the Combat Patrol card driven rules. 

Supply cache with a small guard force in the center...Toulmore Marine reinforcements are on the way.

The 78th troops set up a base of fire and start the action at long range. Milwer Madoc takes out the Marine on guard duty. 

The whims of war...return fire drops Milwer Iwan Madoc.

The Coftyran's move up more troops but their fire is generally ineffective.

The Marine is-Caerten and his Quar are under heavy fire but holding steady.

Reinforcements make a flank move into the pumpkin patch. 

While others close the range to make their Bogen's and Ryshi's more effective. 

Each side is trying to gain fire superiority.

Flank covered by a squad in the woods. 

A prisoner snatch team rushes forward.

A second member of the guard team falls. 

Firefight on the flank.

Marines in the pumpkin patch get shot up.

The snatch team is caught in a crossfire with two Quar down.

Crusader reinforcements move into the supply point.

With casualties mounting (5) and no prisoners in hand, the 78th's troops pull back. 

A fantastic battle. Despite having a massive advantage early on, the Coftyran's could not get the hits they needed. Once the Crusaders arrived with their shorter ranged, but higher rate of fire weapons, the tide turned. 


78th HESOC: 5

M. Iwan Madoc- Light wound!

Light wound, POW--- snatch team

Light wound, POW--- snatch team

Heavy wound


50th Toulmore Marines: 5

3x Light wound

1x Heavy wound (supply guard)

1x KIA