Friday, October 1, 2021

September 2021

Crazy work schedule interrupted most of the hobby time for the month. Some basing, initial work on B&B figures, and prepping for winter painting is all I got done.

Reviewed the Historicon PEL. I am 50/50 for attending right now. I hope work clears up enough that I can take the days as there are some great games I would like to enjoy...highlighted of course by Peter's FOB3 Napoleonics on Sat night. 

Historicon is a no go! Military duty trumps hobby time again. Very disappointed. 


0 points

600 YTD

----Have 12 B&B figures that just need basing.


1x Carnage and Glory Slaughterloo game on the table




$2043 YTD 

SOLD: $5000 YTD

NET: + $2957

1 comment:

  1. Too bad about the scheduling conflict; you'll be missed, Tim!
