Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 2024

Although I missed the club game day again this month (I will be there in October!), I did make some nice hobby progress and spent only $11. 

I finished the Burrows and Badgers project...until they release more.

I also put together more of the Micro Arts Studio 28mm pre-colored MDF building. They are very nice. I picked up the whole Normandy collection at Historicon. I’ll post a shot of them all when built.

Next up for painting...two boxes of 28mm plastic BEF and WW1 Brits for use in the AVBCW project. 

I may try to host a game with that collection using Combat Patrol rules in November or December.

I have also committed to running a Pulp game for the club in Feb.

26x Burrows and Badgers Figures
Total: 26
YTD: 319

1 x Chain of Command with Quar
YTD: 17

$11 Quar tribe subscription
YTD: $1524 (Sold: $440)

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