Tuesday, March 9, 2010

February 2010 Totals

February was not as productive as the previous months, but I still met my

1 x 12 figure infantry unit (12 pts)
9 x mounted generals (18 pts)
--also finished painting the bases on some e-bay purchased figures

22 x generic modern skirmish figures (22 pts)

I also primed about 200 figures while the weather was nice.

March target is to paint 2 cavalry units plus some more skirmish figures.

I am going shopping at Cold Wars end of this week to get a variety of items.
I am spending freely through Historicon, and then will limit my monthly
budget as I will have most of the items I need for my skirmish projects and
imagi-nation on hand, plus loads of terrain.

In March I plan to finish the 4th game in my campaign, and continue playing
skirmish games with my son. He is up 2 wins to 1.