Another quiet month...and the second month in a row without any painting points. Where does the time go?
I am preparing my Christmas list for my wife. It will contain the usual round of wargames books and may for the first time include some figures (Pulp Figures).
My spending for the year is well ahead of plans. I will get the Summer and Winter editions of the Too Fat Lardies specials (PDFs), the new Pulp Alley "Tomb of the Serpent" campaign (PDF, some more Pulp Alley cards, and a small paint resupply. This should run me about $100 for the rest of the year.
0 completed :(
TOTAL: 0 points
In Progress: 12 x 12 figure units for "The Imperial Army" in my Katzenstein project
No games
$65 this month: 2 bottles of paint and my Wargames Illustrated renewal
Total for the year: $476
Budget: $524 under budget,
Plan: <$100 per month; on target
Reminder: bases (round), paint, and brush some shield transfers.
Khurasan Miniatures: New 28mm Pteranodon Release
3 hours ago