No too much to report this month. Painting was slow but I did finish 4 cavalry units and start 2 more before going away for work. I will need to pick up the pace a little the next two months to meet my July goal of finishing all 17 units.
A lucky turn of events (hitting the right numbers on the roulette wheel) turned into me blowing my budget plans. I bought a bunch of the Panzer Korps scenario books at a discount and then two lots of 15mm fantasy figures I saw for sale on TMP. Good prices all around, but that puts my budget plans in disarray.
4 x 8 figure 15mm cavalry units: 64 points
(will base them up and take a picture when I finish the next set of units)
Zero...I even took down the unplayed zombie game I had set up. I think I will set up another fantasy game when I get home.
$593! for the month.
$704 for the year to date. I will need lots of discipline to keep under my $1000 budget for the year (minus Historicon).
Khurasan Miniatures: New 28mm Pteranodon Release
3 hours ago