Continuing the hobby progress this month. I picked things up the past two weekends, but have not completed anything. Going away for work for 3 weeks will make October another slow month but things should pick up at the end of the year.
I worked on 3 batches of 6mm sci fi vehicles...2 are almost done, and the third is primed. Target is to have these done by mid-November and then finish all the on hand 6mm sci fi by end of the year.
I also jumped into a new project...wooden warriors. My plan is do do a hex crawl exploration skirmish game using Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes (with Pulp Alley and Savage Worlds being considered too). Pictures in the future after I paint my test figure.
Not a good month on the budget front. I bought supplies, cards, materials for the wooden warriors, and backed 2 kickstarters!
No points, buy some minor progress on several fronts.
$1708 for the year. $708 over budget :(
plus $1000 total expenses at Historicon with the hotel, gas/tolls, and food.
Budget: <$1000 plus Historicon expenses.
Command and Colours: Medieval(?)
37 minutes ago