The crew of the "Wolverine" continue to look for work in Tibb's Hollow on Viva. Miroslav again won big at the card table while Adolf guarded the ship. Bronson relaxed, Tarik gathered supplies, Eli found a book on sword play that he gave to Leo, while the kid linked up with some local rebels.
The rebels want the crew to attack a cult of religious zealots that are near some ancient alien ruins. This is the same cult from Leo's past.
Overconfident, the crew advanced rapidly through the broken ground expecting to catch the cultist unaware...they were wrong. The crew was quickly met by a fusillade of heavy fire.
Bronson goes down taking his LMG out of the fight. |
Eli sends a blast of liquid plasma that forces two of the enemy to take cover by the ancient alien artifact. |
Return fire takes Eli and Tarik out of the fight while Leo hits the dirt. |
The captain and Adolf go down as Leo tries to carry Tarik to safety. |
Living to fight another day. |
With his old mentor in hot pursuit. |
That did not go as planned. The crew was shot to pieces from the start. We will see who crawled to safety and rallied at the ship.