Friday, October 25, 2019

The bigger they are...

The second game in my 28mm fantasy exploration project.

1st mate, the Hare Phoo readies her band. 

Sailing up the river that leads to the camp, the explorers see shimmering crystals near a large cave.

Hostile natives emerge to attack as soon as the explorers make landfall.

Two groups emerge from either flank. 

But they are no match for the intrepid band.

The more heavily armored warriors take down the natives.

But they are not unscathed as one of their number falls.

Hmmmm, are these giant gem stones? What's that in the cave?

His greed costs him his life.

The ogre charges into the fray.

Phoo falls! and the band retreats. 

Can she be saved?

A see-saw battle ensues as the survivors attempt to carry the wounded to safety.

A win for the nasty ogre.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

New Project: Slaughterloo

I am starting a new project! I bought a HUGE number of Slaughterloo (28mm fantasy Napoleonics) last year at a very nice discount. I love the chunky/cartoonish sculpts, I can build the forces as imagi-nations, and I can still use Field of Battle 3 or the Carnage and Glory computer moderated rules with the figures.

I have chosen to go with 18 figure infantry units and 8 figure cavalry units. I am still working on basing sizes...but the infantry will be 3 to a base, and the cavalry 2.

The figure range from Alternative Armies is massive. There are figures to cover almost all of the nations from the Napoleonic wars. I have purchased one of every infantry and cavalry unit for all but the Ferach (French-Elves),  Britorcn (British-Orcs) and Witchlands (Russians-undead), plus all the limited edition figures I could scavenge. I did not get any artillery yet...I will source guns elsewhere and get artillery figures with my next purchase. I have about 1500 figures on hand...and that is about 70% of the eventual total. I don't intend to get the undead figures.

Since I am never satisfied just sticking with an existing setting, my Slaughterloo plans will involve a campaign on a recently colonized continent after the events of the canon setting. This way I can mix and match forces as I get them painted, and gives me a little freedom in uniform choice.

First up, I am painting the Todoroni...styled on the Kingdom of Italy and Naples. I have 6 infantry units and one of cavalry. Line-Light-Militia-Grenadier-Guard-Mountain(Light), and hippo mounted Hussars. My target is to get these done by end of the Christmas holidays.

Next may be the Rabbits of Burrovia (Dutch) and the Werewolves and Centaurs (Polish).

This month sees the end of the first part of my 28mm fantasy project. I have painted figure for large skirmish games. I have plenty of plastic kits left...I may sell most of them off. This project was kind of a whim and I am ready to move on to something else. I have the following on hand:

1) Huge batch of 15mm fantasy figures. I have enough already painted for massive games, so no pressure to get back to these yet. I am tempted every year when I tinker with my fantasy rules based on Field of Battle.

2) 28mm fantasy plastics. Will sit on the shelf until I decide to kitbash another set of 36 figures.

3) Albedo Anthramorphics. 28mm sci-fi animals...I bought the first batch of about 150 figures but they are still expanding the range and I want to paint all the figures in one type of uniform at the same time. I will push this until next year.

4) The winner...Slaughterloo 28mm fantasy Napoleonics.