I could not make the club game on Sat morning, but I did get in game #2 of my solo Burrows and Badgers campaign on Sat night and Sun morning.
The hired thugs, led by the nefarious Sir Barkley (Border Terrier), were tasked with evicting the last few occupants of Warren Percy. He split his crew into three groups to take on the villagers from all sides, but they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
The village is almost deserted, just 5 hold outs to round up. |
Things start off ugly, while Sir Barkley leads a few companions in a scrum, Tollimus Skulp, the Frog burgher, gets the jump on the Raven Tug McCaw and knocks him out. |
Meanwhile, Osh and Cosh, Mouse brothers, try to subdue two of the village ladies. |
Things get even worse for Barkley's band when the Rabbit archer, Fiona Honeycomb, falls to Salty Rumbolt, the shrew pirate captain. |
Finally, some success when Cosh Cheeswiz takes out Salty's wife, Emily, the Shrew baker. The Hedgehog herbalist, Jane Smallstout, falls soon after. |
Barkley has his hands full trying to grab Brother Morimer, but the slippery Mouse mage keeps blasting him with fire! |
The bumps and bruises start to mount. Could it be that a retreat is in order? |
Changing tact, Barkley faints to his right and clobbers Salty to get a two to one advantage. |
With the Cheesewiz brothers joining the fray, the tide has turned. |
Bloodied but victorious, Sir Barkley orders the gang to lock up the prisoners and tend to their own wounds. |
A very fun game. I need to reread the rules as I know I messed up a few items. Barkley's group was at a major disadvantage not being allowed to use weapons (-2 to Strike for unarmed), and the loss of two members up front could have proven fatal.
After the battle, Sir Barkley checked up on his wounded comrades. Tug has a severe leg wound (drops to D4 Move), and poor Fiona has a serious arm wound (no 2h weapons...like her bow!). This is a major blow.
As as storm starts to roll in, Sir Barkley takes Ron Weasley and Osh on patrol...he is expecting trouble.