Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 2023, end of year wrap up, and a look into 2024

A close out of another year. My painting and gaming output dropped, but finances held steady since I sold more than I bought. 

With the huge Slaughterloo project complete, I am going to focus on adding smaller additions to existing projects...and starting one new one! I am enamored with the 28mm sci fi Quar from Zombiesmith Miniatures...they are Anthropomorphic ant eaters with  WW1 era technology locked in a perpetual war. Very strange...grimsical as the webpage says. 

After painting the first batch, I am now selling my Albedo sci fi project. It is a great concept, very nice figures, but I have been frustrated building the figures. I am not sure any more will be produced in the range, and I don't want them to just sit on the shelf, I have to want to work on each project in my list. 

Manicotti Line Regiment—-routed in their first engagement!

Princess Julianna Line Regiment

Generic fantasy warriors.


36 x 28mm Slaughterloo Figures

25 x 28mm Generic warriors

Total: 61

YTD: 501


1 x pulp Christmas game at the club

1 x Slaughterloo with FOB3 solo campaign

YTD: 12


$46, bases, TMP

YTD: $2466

(Sold: $2750) +$284 for the year


1- Finish the Slaughterloo project by end of June- DONE

2- Start the year with the 30 Pulp figures I received for Christmas-DONE

3- Finish the B&B figures by end of the year.- NOT STARTED

4- Maybe start the Albedo figures in 2023, or this becomes 2024 main goal. - selling

5- Attend Historicon.- FAILED

6- >15 games for the year.---FAILED

7- Spending <$1000 plus Historicon costs -Sold enough to break even

8- Work on the 28mm fantasy figures if I need a break.- STARTED

9- Sell some more 15mm stuff.- DONE


1- Attend Historicon:

2- Spend <$2000:

3- >12 games:

4- Work on projects: (focusing on adding to some smaller projects instead of a large figure count)

---a. Quar: start when released:

---b. Burrows and Badgers (paint the last kickstarter, and order next!)- 26 figures:

---c. Paint two batches of fantasy figures-49:

---d. Paint one batch of sci fi figures- 21:

---e. Paint a AVBCW BUF platoon- 30?:

5-Put together the rest of the Battlesystem card terrain

Purchase plans:

1) Quar when released...soon!

2) Next Burrows and Badgers kickstarter in Feb.

3) BUF platoon, need to decide on figures. look at historicon or order with Quar from Wargames Atlantic if BEF are released.

4) Several 28mm plastic Stargrave/Wargames Atlantic boxes (5).--- look at historicon, WA order

5) Some paints, brushes, bases.

6) Maybe upgrade my trees, rivers, and roads

Project Update: 9 projects, in order of last painted or gamed

---Last Painted:
---Last Gamed:

---Last Painted: Dec, 2023
---Last Gamed: Dec, 2023

28mm Fantasy:
---Last Painted: Dec, 2023
---Last Gamed:

Burrows and Badgers: whole range on hand (next kickstarter in Feb)
---Last Painted: Dec, 2021
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2023

---Last Painted: Jan, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jun, 2020

28mm Sci Fi:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2022
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2022

Fantasy 15mm: Large number of figures on hand to be painted.
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Jul, 2021

A Very British Civil War: Continue to add figures occasionally---could use a BUF platoon
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Jun, 2021

Kingdom of Katzenstein: My 15mm "Napoleonic" imagi-nation.
---Last Painted: Dec, 2018
---Last Gamed: Dec, 2011

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 2023

 I have now been in the hobby as an adult for 15 years. Figure I have another 30 good years in me :)

Alost done the two additional units for my Slaughterloo project...just have to base this weekend, so they will count in December. 

I also have 25 generic dark age warriors for the fantasy 28mm project ready for over Christmas.

Sold off the 6mm sci fi project...again. I could not muster the motivation and my concept was just not coming together. Never again. 

Had a Star Wars space game at the club with a guest game master. Thanks to Dave/Hawk for hosting us. 

I also have the what may be the final game of my current Slaughterloo campaign on the table at home. 


0 completed



1 x club game of Star Wars.

YTD: 10


$10 primer

Sold $170

YTD: $2420

(Sold: $2750)

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 2023

I made the club game this month, and made progress on the large batch of 6mm sci fi figures, but nothing complete yet.

I sold off the metal 28mm Quar figures I recently bought....going to reinvest into the plastic figures when they are released. 

Limited motivation on the 6mm sci fi right now, so I am going to paint the two new units of Slaughterloo figures during Thanksgiving week as a change of pace.


0 completed



1 x club game of Rapid Fire in the Arab-Israeli war

YTD: 9


$120 on a birthday splurge on two units for the Slaughterloo project 

Sold $80

YTD: $2410

(Sold: $2580)

Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 2023

 A slower month in the hobby...some continued progress but no major accomplishments. I missed the club day (WW2 Air War game).

I have been slowly working on the 6mm sci fi figures. Need to get motivated on this resurgent project.

I dipped my toes into a new project...28mm sci fi Quar (grim WW1 like anteaters in a perpetual war). I sources some cheap figures, even received over 20 for free from a generous gamer. I then hit pause...the designer is coming out with the range in plastic and they are slightly bigger. I am going to wait until I see them and decide if I will only go with the newer figures. 

Prep area in the basement

Messy painting area....slapping paint on 6mm sci fi vehicles


0 completed




YTD: 8


$70 on Quar figures 

YTD: $2290

(Sold: $2500)

Friday, September 1, 2023

August 2023

 A second round of COVID kept me away from the club game this month. This was especially disappointing since I missed Historicon due to work last month.

I did get in some good painting time and a large battle in my Fantasy Black Powder campaign.

Spending was OK...but I have been tempted by yet another project. I jumped into 28mm sci Fi Quar figures (grim dark WW1 type sci fi) from Zombiesmith. I posted my interest on TMP, and received 25 figures for free from another gamer...and bought a batch of 30.

28mm generic fantasy figures, all done with speedpaints. This is another reboot project (like the 6mm sci fi). I will start with 5 Leagues from the Borderlands, then build up into some larger skirmish games with Feudal Patrol. I envision it as an exploration, kingdom building game with lite RPG elements.

I have to decide if I start the 6mm sci fi project reboot, next batch of Albedo figures, or start on the Quar.


85 x 28mm fantasy figures: 85 points



1x Slaughterloo

YTD: 8


$90 on figures and glue

YTD: $2220

(Sold: $2500)

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Battle of Tremleur

 A large Associate force counterattacked the Unionists south-west of Tenterfield. The Associates were better supplied and motivated to cut off the Unionist troops in Tenterfield.

The Unionists forces held out until dark, slipping away in the night without having their lines broken, but the Associates can claim the field of battle. The Unionists must decide if they fall back from Tenterfield, or accept being put under siege. 

I played this game with the Battle Command card driven rules. They are very similar to Field of Battle 3ed, but consolidate some of the command options onto fewer cards with an action matrix. I liked them...but not sure they are better for me as a solo set since FOB's strength is providing me (the solo player) limited options on each card.

An open battlefield with scattered trees and a farm in the north. Associates on the right, Unionists on the left.

Rapid cavalry advance.

Infantry move forward; the Associates have significantly more morale points and go on the attack.

Dog militia form square to protect the flank.

This allows the infantry and cavalry to advance to contact.

Dog lines advance to gain some maneuver room.

Albion artillery hammer the Pudigroan cavalry.

Two regiments route but are luckily brought back in order shortly.

It still cost 20% of their army morale points...not a good start.

Cavalry clash on the other flank. 

Dogs beat the Rats...second battle in a row.

More cav on cav action.

Joccian Rat guns get in on the action. 

Guiniland Bog Orcs surge forward.

Ogre Hussars take on the lancers.

Bog Orcs get shot up.

But the Pudigroan cavalry missed a chance to overrun two batteries...this could have turned the tide.

Saxhund brigade counterattacks routing two Bog Orc regiments. 

This stabilized the line and prevented any penetration.

Cav fight continues on the flank.

Joccians almost break the center.

The Albion line is safe with the forces protecting the farmstead.

Center holds. 

Thin line...night is coming.

The Unionists prepare to slip away in the night.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 2023

Very disappointed that I had to cancel out of Historicon due to work. Next year!

I consoled myself by reinvesting in 6mm sci fi...a project I sold off three years ago. Trials and tribulations of a miniature gamer. This blew the budget, but in my defense, I did not spend anything at the convention. 

Finished the first group for the 28mm Anthropomorphic animal sci fi project- Albedo, based on the comic book. 57 killer rabbits! 

I'll work on 6mm sci fi for a while, then the next batch of 28mm sci fi so I can get a game of Combat Patrol on the table.

Dracula's America

Independent Lupine Republic


57x 28mm sci fi: 57 points

YTD: 355


1x Dracula's America at the club

YTD: 7


$1550 on figures, rules, and bases. 

YTD: $2130

SOLD: $2500 (still ahead for the year!)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Battle of Wuppertell Bridge

Just two days after the Battle of Tenterfield further East, a force of Unionist Ostarian and Pudigroan troops forced the bridge several miles East of Wuppertell in an effort to relieve pressure on the troops holding out in Tenterfield. Orders of battle at end of post.

The Joccian forces defending the bridge held as long as they could, but were outnumbered in cavalry and guns. Despite holding the bridge, the Joccian right flank succumbed to a Pudigroan two brigade advance.

It was up to the Joccian Guard to form square and serve as a rear guard.

The attacking Unionists lost about 384 men, the defending Associates lost 296, including General Watson captured with the colors of the Joccian Dragoons taken by the Pud Cuirassiers. 

Outnumbered at the bridge.

Strong position in the woods defending the left flank ford.

Bridge defenders lack artillery support.

Pud cavalry find the ford.

Advancing Dogmen.

Strong wooded position protecting the guns. 

Joccian Hussars defeat the Pud Hussars.

Ostarian Hussars foolishly charge.

Ostarian Grenadiers suffer heavily. 

Second Pud wave defeats the Joccian Hussars, forcing them from the field. 

Flank attack is now ready to cross the stream. 

Stalemate in the center.

Joccian left is secure, but the gunners are getting exhausted. 

General Watson is captured. 

Joccian right flank is now threatened.

Guard are ready.

Ostarian Pioneers take casualties. 

Pud cavalry continues their success.

Joccians are forced to call a retreat.

Corps Alberto Alberto #62, 5C

[ 106] Major General Alberto Alberto #62, 5C - Active C- [1100 paces]

    Brigade Fritz Adler #1, 6B - Attack

    [ 108] Brigadier General Fritz Adler #1, 6B - Active C [450 paces]

     HI [ 221] Pudigrohchumsberg Grenadier       0/ 600      B             SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 222] Pudigrohchumsberg Line            0/ 600      C-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     LI [ 223] Pudigrohchumsberg Carabinier      0/ 600      C- Esk+       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     FA [ 227] Pudigrohchumsberg Artillery       0/ 150 [ 6] C-            6pdr [Medium] [400  750]

    Brigade Aurel Janz #2, 7B - Attack

    [ 109] Brigadier General Aurel Janz #2, 7B - Active C+ [500 paces]

     AC [ 224] Pudigrohchumsberg Cuirassier      0/ 400      C+            Hand Weapons            

     HC [ 225] Pudigrohchumsberg Dragoon         0/ 400      C-            SB.Musketoon  [ 75  200]

     LC [ 226] Pudigrohchumsberg Hussar          0/ 400      C-            Hand Weapons            

    Brigade Engel Kroger #6, 10B - Attack

    [ 110] Brigadier General Engel Kroger #6, 10B - Active C- [300 paces]

     HI [ 233] Ostarian Grenadier                0/ 600      B             SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 237] Ostarian Engineers                0/ 600      C             SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 238] Ostarian Militia                  0/ 600      E+            SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

    Brigade Levi Metz #9, 11B - Attack

    [ 113] Brigadier General Levi Metz #9, 11B - Active C+ [450 paces]

     HI [ 234] Ostarian Line (Helmet)            0/ 600      C-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 235] Ostarian Line (Shako)             0/ 600      C-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     LI [ 236] Ostarian Jager                    0/ 600      C+ Esk+       Rifled Musket [125  300]

     FA [ 242] Ostarian Artillery                0/ 150 [ 6] C-            6pdr [Medium] [400  750]

    Brigade Wetzel Fenstermacher #10, 12B - Attack

    [ 114] Brigadier General Wetzel Fenstermacher #10, 12B - Active C [300 paces]

     AC [ 239] Ostarian Curassier                0/ 400      C+            Hand Weapons            

     La [ 240] Ostarian Lancer                   0/ 400      D+            Hand Weapons            

     LC [ 241] Ostarian Hussar                   0/ 400      C-            Hand Weapons            



     0/  5400 Bayonets

     0/  2400 Sabres

     0/   300 Artillerists

     0/    12 Cannon

     0/  8100 Total of all arms

           13 Colors present


Corps Alexander Robertsson #19, 1C

[ 502] Major General Alexander Robertsson #19, 1C - Active B- [1100 paces]

    Brigade Kenny MacChruim #50, 8B - Attack

    [ 521] Brigadier General Kenny MacChruim #50, 8B - Active B [450 paces]

     HI [ 629] Joccian Guard                     0/ 600      A-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 630] Joccian Grenadier                 0/ 600      B             SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 633] Joccian Engineer                  0/ 600      C-            SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

    Brigade Coinneach McInnes #51, 9B - Defend

    [ 522] Brigadier General Coinneach McInnes #51, 9B - Active C+ [350 paces]

     HI [ 631] Joccian Line #1 (High)            0/ 600      C-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     HI [ 632] Joccian Line #2 (Low)             0/ 600      C-  sk-       SB.Musk.[1st] [ 75  200]

     FA [ 636] Joccian Artillery                 0/ 150 [ 6] C             6pdr [Medium] [400  750]

    Brigade Callum Watson #52, 10B - Support

    [ 523] Brigadier General Callum Watson #52, 10B - Active B- [350 paces]

     HC [ 634] Joccian Dragoon                   0/ 400      C             SB.Musketoon  [ 75  200]

     LC [ 635] Joccian Hussar                    0/ 400      C             SB.Carbine    [ 50  100]



     0/  3000 Bayonets

     0/   800 Sabres

     0/   150 Artillerists

     0/     6 Cannon

     0/  3950 Total of all arms

            6 Colors present