Monday, December 30, 2024

December 2024 and year end wrap up

A very active hobby month. Besides the annual club Christmas game, I hosted a game at home for the first time...A Very British Civil War with the Combat Patrol rules. 

90 dark ages warriors

Some other highlights for the year:

I tried  Command and Colors Napoleonics like I have wanted to for some time. I enjoyed it, but it will not replace Field of Battle so I think I will sell off the two sets. I played the game with my original Kingdom of Katzenstein 15mm figures using the CCN rules on my HEXON terrain. First time the figures had been out in a dozen years!

The big purchase: a 3d resin printer. I treated myself to a retirement present and then got the assorted accoutrements for Christmas. This will become a 2025 extension of the hobby. 

The 28mm MDF pre-colored buildings from Micro Arts Studios were the other big purchase for the year. Built them all and have gotten them on the table a few times. I will look at more from their range. 

I updated my storage system to now have almost all figures stored in plastic containers with steel sheet/magnets. Only the Slaughterloo collection remains unmagnetized, but they are secure in RUBs. 

Part of my post-retirement clean up included some minor work in the basement. I took the opportunity to do some cleaning, organizing, and put down foam mats around the game table for insulation and comfort. 

My main focus on the miniature front this year have been the 28mm sci-fi Quar figures. Released in plastic and resin, they are fantastic sculpts with lots of character and lore. Lets the imagination run wild. 

As a filler project, I have been working on the 28mm generic fantasy figures...mostly plastic kits. I still need to finalize a clear direction for the project. I also finished off all of the on hand Burrows and Badgers figures (until the next kickstarter). 

90 x 28mm Saxons/Vikings as generic fantasy warriors: 90
Total: 90
YTD: 528

1 x Club holiday game
1 x AVBCW with Combat Patrol with guests
YTD: 23

$192---, $11 Quar tribe subscription, $160 bases, $10 magazine
YTD:  $2004 (Sold: $440)

Plans for 2025

1) Next wave of Quar 

2) Focus on some terrain upgrades: trees, rivers, roads

3) Host a club game in Feb

4) Work on 6mm sci fi home brew rules with 3D printed figures

5) Spending <$2000, sell $500

6) Attend all 3 HMGS conventions

    Cold Wars (this one is a maybe)


    Fall In

7) Complete on hand 28mm fantasy figures

    a. Plastics

    b. Metals

8) Add to 28mm sci fi by getting select sprues instead of full boxes


1- Attend Historicon:

-----Complete:  Attended

2- Spend <$2000:

-----So close!:  I did sell off $440 worth of items so met my goal on net.

3- >12 games:

-----Complete: almost double!

4- Work on projects: (focusing on adding to some smaller projects instead of a large figure count)

---a. Quar: start when released:

-----Complete: Painted first two groups, will continue in 2025.

---b. Burrows and Badgers (paint the last kickstarter, and order next!)- 26 figures:

-----Complete: all on hand painted, next batch in 2025

---c. Paint two batches of fantasy figures-49:

-----Complete: painted several batches, big jump on this project

---d. Paint one batch of sci fi figures- 21:


---e. Paint a AVBCW BUF platoon- 30?:

-----Completed 60

5-Put together the rest of the Battlesystem card terrain

-----Not Complete: I bought and built a big batch of MDF buildings. I may sell the Battlesystem. 

Purchase plans:

1) Quar when released...soon!: done

2) Next Burrows and Badgers kickstarter in Feb.: done

3) BUF platoon, need to decide on figures. look at historicon or order with Quar from Wargames Atlantic if BEF are released.: done

4) Several 28mm plastic Stargrave/Wargames Atlantic boxes (5).--- look at historicon, WA order: pushed to 2025

5) Some paints, brushes, bases.: Purchased

6) Maybe upgrade my trees, rivers, and roads: still in planning.

Project Update: 9 projects

---Last Painted: June, 2024
---Last Gamed: Sep, 2024

---Last Painted: Dec, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2024

28mm Fantasy:
---Last Painted: Dec, 2024
---Last Gamed: Feb, 2024

Burrows and Badgers:
---Last Painted: Sep, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2023

---Last Painted: Jan, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jun, 2020

A Very British Civil War:
---Last Painted: Oct, 2024
---Last Gamed: Dec, 2024

28mm Sci Fi:
---Last Painted: Feb, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2022

Fantasy 15mm:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Jul, 2021

Kingdom of Katzenstein 15mm Imagi-nation:
---Last Painted: Dec, 2018
---Last Gamed: Nov, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Vicar executed in Ottery-Saint-Mary Raid! Otterford missing..."Reds" run rampant in Devonshire!

The BBC nightly broadcast reports a fierce clash in the River Otter Valley, Devonshire, between government troops and an odd alliance of communists and misled Anglicans. The devious 'Reds" raided the peaceful village of Ottery-Saint-Mary forcing units of the Royal Army, local police, Royal Navy, and British Union of Fascist auxiliaries to run to the aid of the frightened townsfolk. 

A government spokesman stated that the Red and Anglican forces were defeated with heavy casualties but unfortunately many civilians were killed by indiscriminate rebel fire. Even poor Vicar Andrew was brutally executed under suspicious circumstances that will surely be thoroughly investigated. 

In conflicting reports published in the rebel "Red Rag" and in the church bulletin, the claims are that Lord Otterford was freed from BUF captivity and he is now being protected by his family and friends. Casualty lists are extensive, including several locals that were shot down in cold blood by Mosley's thugs. Burials will be held on Tuesday after the Church picnic. Rumors of reported squabbles about who saved the day between the Anglican leaders and "Red Kate's" forces are pure speculation. 

[A great 4 - player game of A Very British Civil War using the Combat Patrol rules in my basement gaming area. Communists and Anglicans just squeezed out a victory against the BUF and Royal forces. 1st time having friends to the house for gaming, my wife made a great lunch, and we had some good bourbon. Hopefully more games in the future.]

Ottery-Saint-Mary: Lord Otterford is being held under BUF guard somewhere in the village

BUF/Royal forces are coming to stop the Reds/Anglicans from a rescue attempt.

Royals cross the stream north of town.

BUF troops use the hill for cover watched by Vicar Andrew in the graveyard.

Red Kate leads her forces past the orchard.

While the Anglicans also use a hill to rush forward under cover.

A scuffle in the that the Vicar's head on a flagpole?

Royals split their forces to get into firing positions. 

But the Anglicans are focused on getting into the houses to commence the rescue.

BUF troops start exchanging fire with the Commies, but they are getting bogged down north of town. 

Reds run up to make contact on the left flank. 

Kate is her usual aggressive self...Marxist manifesto and a submachinegun in hand.

Royalist flanking force starts taking accurate Anglican fire.

Peaceful civilians try to make it to safety. 

BUF are convinced that Lord Otterford is hiding in the chicken coop...or they are just afraid of Red Kate.

Kate reorganizes her troops after the initial clash.

Anglican fire sends some civilians to hell! This won't go over well in Canterbury. 

BUF get their act together and charge across the square. A bold move. And Charlie the grocer is gunned down in his delivery van!
BUF leaders are still investigating what happened to Vicar Andrew. 

Kate has massed her unwashed masses.

Otterford has been found on the third floor of the house taken by the Anglicans. A scuffle ensues. 

Royalists move to reinforce the flank so they can cut off any escape. 

The firefight across the town square leads to rising casualties for both sides. 

Anglicans start pulling back to protect their escape route. 

The BUF charge is just too little, too late. 

Heavy casualties for combatants and civilians alike. 

Calm returns as the Red/Anglican troops pull back having rescued Otterford.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 2024

Lots of hobby time in November as I hit 16 years in the hobby. I even broke out the Kingdom of Katzenstein imagi-nation figures for the first time since 2013!

Did some clean up and improvement to the basement gaming area in anticipation of hosting a game in December. Still a work in progress.

Three units of generic warriors. I am still figuring out what I want from this project. I would like some kind of hex exploration that leads to large skirmish games and kingdom building...I am looking at 2D Realms as a map generator. 

Another batch of these figures to close out the yar in December.

59 x 28mm Saxons/Vikings as generic fantasy warriors: 59
Total: 59
YTD: 438

1 x Victory at Sea at the club
1 x AVBCW with Combat Patrol
1 x Command and Colors Napoleonics
YTD: 21

$182---, $11 Quar tribe subscription, $72 kickstarter for 7TV Fantasy, $100 storage and supplies
YTD: $1912 (Sold: $440)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Commands and Colors Napoleonics

 I took my original Kingdom of Katzenstein 15mm imagi-nations figures out for a game for the first time since December, 2011. 

I have been wanting to try the Commands and Colors Napoleonics rules, so when I got a chance to pick up a set cheaply, I jumped on it. I could use my 15mm figures and the Hexon II terrain for a nice game board. I even splurged on a set of custom cherry wood dice.

I sued the Quatre Bras scenario with a few minor tweaks...Katzenstein defending in the British role. 

A fun game...the attacking Imperial forces won the day in a back and forth game by launching a powerful series of cavalry charges after their initial infantry assault was defeated. 

A fun game...but just not the same feeling as I have gotten with other rules sets.

I still think Field of Battle is my game (with honorable mentions to: Soldiers of Napoleon, Die Fighting, and Carnage and Glory). 

What now? I think I will sell off the games and reinvest in something else. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Disaster in Devonshire- A Very British Civil War game with the Combat Patrol rules

The situation in the River Otter Valley continues to deteriorate. The various rebel factions are facing increased pressure from government troops. Lord Otterford, Archibald Royston, has called a family meeting in town to try to bring some order to the forces supported by his immediate family. His wife, Miriam, and her Albertine supporters are at odds with his sister Katherine's reds. Escorted by the River Otter Valley Local Defense Brigade (ROVLDB) ceremonial guards, the family is meting at the local pub. The town militia consisting of the police, fire brigade, and postal guards are positioned to keep the peace.

Meanwhile, a platoon of territorial troops have been dispatched to establish a garrison in town. Led by the young Lieutenant Neville Abernathy, the troops consist of regulars, territorials, and a smattering of drafted British Union of Fascists recruits. Abernathy's troops advance from the outskirts of town with three sections abreast, covered by the 2" mortar team. 

Abernathy's platoon approches from the outskirts

The defenders don't want to start a battle. 

A quick advance along the line. 

Police set up on the hill, covering the road. 

Hearing that the enemy is in sight, Lord Otterford breaks up the meeting and sends the family to take up positions. 

Bold advance in the center. The center section gets spooked an fires on the house to their front as they move through the orchard.

Return fire from the postal inspectors pins down a team behind the wall. 

The mortar sets up in the tree cover...

...and gentlemanly fire into the town!

The ROVLDB guards charge into an enemy section.

A costly melee ensues...the Guards are victorious!

But on the other flank, the police are under heavy fire on the hill. 

And the attack in the center is stalled. 

Civilians are running for cover. 

The right flank attackers are in trouble.

Abernathy take matters into his own hands, leading the attack in the center to regain the initiative. 

Trading casualties on the hill. 

The civilians are fleeing town. 

The Guards charge again!

Taking more prisoners.

"Red" Kate is directing the counter-attack around the flank. 

The battle is rotating clockwise.

Police fall back under pressure.

Abernathy recklessly charges the house. 

Refugees gather outside town. 

Abernathy's command group kicks in the door and catches Otterford unprepared...the Lord is down!

The flank attack is slowly moving into position...will it be too late?

Casualty clearing station is getting busy. 

Abernathy is on a rampage...his troops secure prisoners.

The towns folk in hiding. 

The Guards escort their prisoners to the rear. 

Miriam tries to rescue her husband but she is shot down by the vile (and wounded) Lieutenant!

Another tea, secures the next house.

And set up a Lewis gun on the hill. 

The mortar team repositions to cover the flank. 

Kate is too late to catch the mortar team. 

Lewis gun in action. 

Objectives secured. 

Miriam is pulled to safety. 

The Vicar checks on Miss Marple.

POWs on the move. 

What is the fate of Lord Otterford?

A cracking solo game as a test for a multi-player game I plan to host in December at home. This will set the scenario for the next a rescue mission in order? Can Kate and Miriam cooperate for the Archibald's sake? Is the River Otter Valley in danger of falling into Fascist hands?

Casualties: 17 casualties


-KIA: 3

-WIA: 3

-POW: 11! (most were wounded) --- Lord Otterford wounded and taken prisoner!

Government Troops: 17 casualties

-KIA: 2

-WIA: 9 (including Lieutenant Abernathy)

-POW: 5

-Deserted: 1