Sunday, March 2, 2025

February 2025

I ran my first game for the club, a Pulp Adventure "Island of Dread" game with modified 7TV rules. 11 players made for a big game!

Finished off the expansion on my Quar sci fi troops including the first round of vehicles. Such fun figures with plenty more to add. 

Attended Cold Wars in Gettysburg...4 total games (+1 GM no show that left 7 players hanging), mostly games run by the HAWKS club using Combat Patrol rules. Cold Wars was added back in the schedule late by HMGS and it showed with the attendance, vendors, and flea market. Kudos to the event staff for pulling it off. Special thanks to the HAWKS club for running great games. 

March will see two groups of generic fantasy figures on the painting table as I work through the last of the plastic sets. 41 figures total. We have a vacation at the end of the month so I expect a more limited output. 

April will see either some more Quar or a push to finish the plastic fantasy sets. 

I may have gotten the bug to do a Victorian Science Fiction and/or imagi-nations project. 

Island of Dread at the club

Teddy R vs the Tiger

Quar Crusaders

Mixed Quar civilians, crew, wildlife

Full Crusader force

Test game of my 6mm sci fi operational scale rules

1st batch of tractors (Quar tanks)

Weird WW2 using Combat Patrol

France 1940, same table and rules

Pulp with literary characters

Victorian Science Fiction

Loot...maybe a new project

37 x Quar: 37
Quar vehicles and creatures: 42
8 x a few small figures/items for the Pulp game: 8
Total: 87

YTD: 188

1 x Club: 7TV Pulp
1 x 6mm sci fi test game at home
4 x convention games 

YTD: 8

$196: $11 Quar subscription, $185 at Cold Wars
YTD:  $561 (Sold: $0)

Friday, January 31, 2025

January 2025

A great start to the new year. 

The highlight of the month has been starting 3D resin printing. After some fine tuning, the prints have been flawless. I printed up 3-4 months worth of Quar figures and vehicles, plus a few items for the Feb club game. 

Great painting month. Finished a batch of fantasy figures and made major progress on more Quar. 

Registered for Cold Wars and got my room for Historicon. 

Spent significant time preparing for the club game I am running next month. Island of Dread with 7TV Pulp rules. 

Spent way more than expected getting items for 3D printing and my Pulp club game. Plus added two boxes of figures on sale late in the month. Feb has to be better!

39 x 28mm Levy/militia: 39
3 x 28mm Sci fi: 3
59 x Quar: 
Total: 101
YTD: 101

1 x Club Blood and Plunder game

YTD: 1

$365---, -Quar tribe subscription, resin/supplies, bases, primer, glue, trees for pulp game, figures
YTD:  $365 (Sold: $0)