Good painting progress this month. I have broken the back on the imagi-nation cavalry figures, with just 6 units to go. I am on track to finish them before Historicon in July.
With that finish line in sight, I have to decide what comes next. I was thinking about four of my projects:
1- Finish final 14 units for Katzenstein
2- Start Zombies
3- Continue 15mm Fantasy
4- Start 6mm sci-fi
I have decided to finish the Katzenstein units. I started ordering the 14 units worth of figures today with the goal of completing them by end of the year. This will allow me to start a new campaign in 2018.
I may work on some of the Zombie figues as the mood strikes as well, at least enough to get some test games in. I am deciding upon a rule set with Pulp Alley, Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, and Savage Worlds under consideration.
7 x 8 figure cavalry units: 112 points
1 fantasy game
$324 for the month. I registered for Historicon and bought figures for the KoK. I also bought the Advanced SoBH rules and more Pulp Alley Cards.
$1028 year to much for my budget! I will have to really watch my spending for the rest of the year and keep my Historicon purchases to a minimum.
$1000 for the year in my budget, plus Historicon.
Khurasan Miniatures: New 28mm Pteranodon Release
3 hours ago