Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 2020

Steady progress with painting, but no gaming. We are looking at moving to a new location in the table may have to come down for some time. Slaughterloo continues.

Two regiments of Wild Elves, one of Hobgoblins


61 points

TYD: 680


0 ---- I took down the 6mm sci fi I had on the table, lack of motivation over rules.



$3215, Year to date

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

August 2020

 A slow start to the month but I picked it up at the end. I have some time off in September, so I hope to get back to better painting habits.

We sent the kid off to college, and got a new puppy. 


72 x 28mm Slaughterloo figures: 72 points

YTD: 619....I have passed my 2019 total, and I am on track for my most productive year since 2014. have only painted Slaughterloo figures since November 2019.


0, I have a 6mm sci fi game on the table


$0 !!!!! I can continue this until Christmas.

YTD: $3215