Time for a mid-year review.
Spent more than planned this month with HMGS/Historicon registration and stocking up on some pre and basing supplies. Still doing OK for the year...we will see how Historicon spending goes.
Finished the second phase of my Quar sci-fi project. I am waiting for more options to be released so I can kitbash up the third phase in the project to give me large platoons for each side.
Finished another group of Burrows and Badgers figures...after this batch (and the arrival of the kickstarter next month) I will have 85 figures to go. Primed all the ones on hand.
Club game- Man o' War |
Burrows and Badgers |
36 x Quar
21 x Burrows and Badgers
Total: 57
YTD: 234
1 x Man O' War
1 x Quar Chain of Command
YTD: 8
$211, $70 historicon registration/HMGS, $11 on more Quar (STL files subscription monthly for future 3D printing), $120 on supplies, $10 rules
YTD: $704
(Sold: $440)
1- Attend Historicon:
2- Spend <$2000:
-----On Target
3- >12 games:
-----On target
4- Work on projects: (focusing on adding to some smaller projects instead of a large figure count)
---a. Quar: start when released:
-----Done...waiting on more to be released
---b. Burrows and Badgers (paint the last kickstarter, and order next!)- 26 figures:
-----Painted three batches----85 to go
---c. Paint two batches of fantasy figures-49:
-----Painted two batches
---d. Paint one batch of sci fi figures- 21:
-----Painted them up
---e. Paint a AVBCW BUF platoon- 30?:
-----To be purchased in July
5-Put together the rest of the Battlesystem card terrain
-----Not started----considering switching to MDF and/or 3D printed
Purchase plans:
1) Quar when released...soon!: done
2) Next Burrows and Badgers kickstarter in Feb.: done
3) BUF platoon, need to decide on figures. look at historicon or order with Quar from Wargames Atlantic if BEF are released.: July
4) Several 28mm plastic Stargrave/Wargames Atlantic boxes (5).--- look at historicon, WA order: July
5) Some paints, brushes, bases.: Purchased
6) Maybe upgrade my trees, rivers, and roads: still in planning.
Project Update: 9 projects
---Last Painted: June, 2024
---Last Gamed: June, 2024
---Last Painted: Dec, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2024
28mm Fantasy:
---Last Painted: Jan, 2024
---Last Gamed: Feb, 2024
Burrows and Badgers:
---Last Painted: June, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2023
---Last Painted: Jan, 2023
---Last Gamed: Jun, 2020
A Very British Civil War:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Mar, 2024
28mm Sci Fi:
---Last Painted: Feb, 2024
---Last Gamed: Jan, 2022
Fantasy 15mm:
---Last Painted: Jul, 2019
---Last Gamed: Jul, 2021
Kingdom of Katzenstein 15mm Imagi-nation:
---Last Painted: Dec, 2018
---Last Gamed: Dec, 2011