Friday, March 1, 2019

February 2019

Continuing on with the Very British Civil War figures and games. I have 4 batches of figures left (189 total) to get done before Historicon. The pull of my 15mm fantasy figures has been strong...must stay the course on painting.

I am going to set up a 15mm fantasy game using the new "Of Armies and Hordes" rules. Interesting area movement system.

52 x 28mm VBCW figures: 62
TOTAL: 52 points

1 x VBCW game with Combat Patrol

$10 on pdf "Of Armies and Hordes"
$10 total, year to date
---need to buy some paints/supplies

1 comment:

  1. You are doing far better with your budget than I am, Tim!
