A new year rolls around, time for a recap of 2017. An up and down year but I finished strong and have some renewed energy to start 2018. Looking forward to substantial progress on my 6mm sci fi forces.
2017 Painting
J: 120
F: 60
M: 0
A: 64
M: 112
J: 96
J: 168
A: 0
S: 0
O: 0
N: 0
D: 133
Total: 753...I am on the uptick!
2017: 753
2016: 712
2015: 431
2014: 1708
2013: 1990
2012: 1119
2011: 1013
2010: 1389
2009: 441
Games in 2017:
11, I would like to get in 1 game a month in 2018.
Budget in 2017:
$1818 for the year. $818 over budget
(plus $1000 total expenses at Historicon with the hotel, gas/tolls, and food.
Budget: <$1000 plus Historicon expenses....not a good year :(
Plans for 2018:
1- 6mm Sci Fi
2- Wooden Warriors
3- Zombies
4- Spending: Keep things to <$1000, plus Historicon expenses. Really need to abide by my budget this year. I know I will buy some 6mm sci-fi...but they are the only planned purchases right now.
5- Gaming plans
- 6mm Sci fi
- Wooden Warriors
- Katzenstein Campaign
- Pulp Alley
- 15mm Fantasy
6- Fantasy Rules: continue to tinker and add in the magic and characters/leaders portion; use my new home card deck
7- Local Gaming: get in at least 2 games with the local crew
8- Attend Historicon and check out NJCon
Review of the Plans for 2017:
1- Katzenstein OPFOR expansion: figures on hand, in progress
a. Finish infantry by end of January
b. Leaders in Feb
c. Artillery in March
d. Cavalry by end of July (Historicon)
---COMPLETE: I finished the Katzenstein project. I will add as the mood strikes, but it is now time to get them back on the table.
2- Pulp: two batches of about 30 figures each (one from Christmas, one batch to be bought at Historicon)
---COMPLETE: Finished the Christmas batch and one other small batch. No plans to add in 2018, but things can change.
3- 6mm Sci Fi: this will be the big new project for the year ---the focus for after finishing the KoK expansion
---STARTED: Finished the first batch and I have figures on hand to continue. This will be a big push in 2018.
4- 28mm Zombies: if I need a change up and find some of the plastic kits cheap
---STARTED: Painted one survivor and prepared some zeds. Will knock some of these out in 2018.
5- Attend some conventions: NJCon, Historicon...maybe even splurge for Cold Wars or Fall In
---ATTENDED: Only attended Historicon.
6- Spending: <$1000 for the year plus Historicon; I have been saving my change for a few years and plan to cash in for convention spending
7- Gaming: Keep up on my solo pulp and fantasy gaming, expand my opportunities with gamers in NJ.
8- Fantasy Rules: next version with updated stats, magic, and custom card deck
---PROGRESS: Bought my cards and updated the latest version; need to work on the army lists, characters section, and magic.
Project Round Up:
-Katzenstein (imagi-nation): A mature project.
-Zaquetta (fantasy): A fully playable project with loads of Demonworld and Battle Valor figures still on hand to paint.
-Pulp: My current go to game. Pulp Alley is a fantastic system.
-WW2: A mature project. No planned additions.
-Krasnovia (modern skirmish) and Ziva (sci-fi skirmish): A mature project. No planned additions.
-Splintered Lands: A mature project. Will add any new figures they produce.
-Air Combat: A mature project. No planned additions.
-Starmada: A mature project. No planned additions.
-Zombies: Just started.
-6mm Sci-fi: Just started.
-Wooden Warriors:Just started.
Future Projects: Not that I need any more projects, but these are some ideas I have for the future. (in general order of current interest) All the projects below are just some flights of fancy. I don't think I will ever do them.
A Very British Civil War: Love the though of developing my own forces and the alternate history.
Wild West: Could be done with Pulp Alley.
Civil War: Considering 6mm.
Napoleonics: Considering 6mm.
Gladiators: would go 28mm with a custom built arena if I take the plunge.
Slaughterloo/Flintloque: love the figures
Spencer Smith Imagi-nation: I still think about starting another imagi-nation (larger scale).
Model Casting: Considering trying out my hand with casting my own figures from molds.
Khurasan Miniatures: New 28mm Pteranodon Release
2 hours ago