A nice hobby month. Finished my planned painting, got in a game, and I have a full week off to get started on the next project. Looking forward to Historicon in two weeks.
Let's look at how my plans for 2018 are shaping up:
Plans for 2018:
1- 6mm Sci Fi
--- All on hand figures complete; may order all the rest to complete this project this year
2- Wooden Warriors
--- Finished the first 2 forces...enough to play games.
3- Zombies
--- Will decide if I am going to start these next week.
4- Spending: Keep things to <$1000, plus Historicon expenses. Really need to abide by my budget this year. I know I will buy some 6mm sci-fi...but they are the only planned purchases right now.
--- Doing OK on my general budget, but I spent a huge amount on a project for 2019 :)
5- Gaming plans
- 6mm Sci fi - Check
- Wooden Warriors - Check
- Katzenstein Campaign
- Pulp Alley
- 15mm Fantasy
6- Fantasy Rules: continue to tinker and add in the magic and characters/leaders portion; use my new home card deck
--- Continued to tinker; moved everything over to google docs
7- Local Gaming: get in at least 2 games with the local crew
--- No luck
8- Attend Historicon and check out NJCon
--- All set for Historicon, but had to work during NJCON
21 x Wooden warriors: 21 points
TOTAL: 21 points
$18 on ASOBH supplements
$543 year to date
Command and Colours: Medieval(?)
1 hour ago