Besides my Imagi-Nation, I have several other projects started or planned. I am sticking to 15mm exclusively to maximize my terrain use, and because there are great figures for all my periods of interest.
1) Imagi-Nation: 27 infantry regiments, 8 cavalry regiments, 5 batteries (plus 2 dozen extra guns), 25 odd generals and personalities. Still have another 10 infantry and 8 cavalry units to paint. This is my ever-lasting project, but I will cut the painting pace as I work some of the other projects below.
2) Fantasy Skirmish: I have bought all of the Druid's Children and Rebels for the Splintered Light range of figures. I bought one of each pose for the range. I have primed my Otters (my favorite animal), along with Hares (for my son), and the rats. I plan to start painting these in June and will make these a continuous side project. I am using the Song of Blades and Heroes rules from Ganesha Games.
3) Generic Modern Skirmish: I have about 30 more AK47 figures from Peter Pig to finish plus a pack each of Modern US Infantry and Insurgents to paint. I expect to finish all these by end of June. I will pick up the occasional item for this project, but I will consider it "mature" when I finish these last on-hand figures. I am using the "Flying Lead" rules based on the Song of Blades and Heroes rules from Ganesha Games.
4) Pirates: I have about 150 pirates, each an individual pose on hand. The new figures from Blue Moon are fantastic. This is a long range project that I think I will start next year (2011). I have a bag of 135 15mm pirates to sell...the left-overs after keeping 1 of each pose from the packs I have purchased.
5) Space Ships: I have a large batch of ships from Brigade and from GZG on hand. I have primed and based about 60 ships so far. I also have about 100 ships I purchased on e-bay already painted. This is a diversion project to work on when I hit painters-block on other figures. I also have two nice Hotz mats. I will use the Starmada rules. These will be good for some quick games and can be worked nicely into a campaign.
6) Ancients: Just bought the WAB2 book. This will become my 2nd imagi-nation project as I build an ancient army along the lines of the Tony Bath Hyborian campaign...any period and figures go!
7) Terrain: So far, all my terrain has been purchased. I will start looking at what I can build myself now that I have a full range to meet almost all my needs. I can do some nice projects with my son to produce some items for scenario games. I am always on the look-out on e-bay for items as well.
Other interests:
1) Wild West: intrigued, but I think I have enough skirmish projects to keep me busy.
2) WW II: Same as above, although I did get two packs of FOW infantry (US and German) for my son to play with. I just primed them green and grey so he can handle them roughly. The whole FOW range is very nice.
3) A Very British Civil War: intrigues me because of the "alternate" history, and the use of factions. I use my modern skirmish figures in the same manner, so I may not paint up any figures, but I think I will buy the source books.
Future Purchases: I have been in free spend mode for the year, but I plan on starting to budget myself after attending Historicon in July. $100 a month is not very restrictive, but It will make me think twice before making impulse buys on e-bay.
1) Imagi-Nation: I need 2 cavalry figures to make a regiment (I miss ordered before). Other than that, no needed purchases, so I will only pick up something that really strikes me.
2) Fantasy Skirmish: plenty on hand, but I intend to eventually buy 1 pose of each figure from Splintered Light. They have several other ranges of fantasy figures that will all work with what I have. They also have some nice historical figures.
3) Generic Modern Skirmish: nothing needed, but maybe I will expand my vehicle range. This will be as opportunities arise. My son would like a squad of "scuba divers", so I will buy some SEALs if I find them in 15mm.
4) Pirates: nothing planned, although I will look for some ships in the future. Might also make these myself as a hobby project.
5) Space Ships: nothing to buy. I do want to get some styrafoam to make planets and maybe a space station.
6) Ancients: I am researching figures, and will make my first purchases at Historicon. Have to cut into the lead mountain on some of these other projects.
7) Terrain: I plan to buy the rest of the MBA buildings when I go to Historicon, and I will pick up any targets of opportunity on other terrain there as well. I will always be looking for "battlefield effects and clutter" to make things interesting. Man-made objects, defenses, unique pieces are all most welcome.
Passing of a wargaming art legend
28 minutes ago
Hey, those Splintered Light minis are very cool! I would not have guessed they were not 28mm. It's a good thing for me they aren't! Otherwise I would definitely be tempted to buy a boatload. :)