July turned into a great month.
7 x 12 figure infantry units = 84 points
15 x Splintered Light Miniatures, Otters = 15 points
Total = 99 points
Work in Progress:
125 x US Rifle Company for Flames of War - almost done.
I have played part of a Flying Lead skirmish game using Rebel Mini modern
figures with my son. We have also played all 6 scenarios from the Pacific
Theatre expansion for Memior '44.
My August plans are to finish the FoW company, and start the Falschrimjager
company. I also want to do some more of the Splintered Light minis and work
on some of my first homemade terrain pieces.
I took stock of my Imagi-nation unpainted lead:
8 x infantry units
8 x cavalry units
Plus civilians limbers, wagons, ambulances
Added to these, are 8 more infantry units I just got from the Blue Moon FIW
range. All of this should be about 1 year of work.
Kenosha Civil War Museum & ACW War Gaming Days
6 hours ago
Very ambitious indeed..